Washroom services
Creating a clean hygienic washroom environment is not only important for the health and wellbeing of your staff, but also for how your business is perceived by customers and visitors. You may believe that people don’t instantly notice a well-maintained washroom, however, everyone will notice one that isn’t properly looked after.
Lack of toilet roll dispensers, sanitary disposal systems and nasty odours can reflect badly on your business. As well as this, an unmaintained washroom can have a detrimental effect on employee productivity and can lead to sick days from illness spreading through poor hygiene.
Not only can we supply you with all your washroom consumables, we also provide a managed service to complete the package. We cater for businesses of every size, from small businesses to nationwide multi location chains, looking after the little things and giving our customers peace of mind that their washroom and hygiene needs are being well looked after.

It’s not just the washroom environment we can make a difference to, we can also help to contribute to your green credentials, whilst also saving you time and money. Our washroom service includes:
Sanitary disposal
Completes sanitary waste disposal service, helps to ensure that you get rid of your sanitary waste in a safe and environmentally friendly fashion, helping to make sure that your business complies with the UK regulations. Our sanitary disposal products and services are also designed to make sure that your business maintains a clean and hygienic washroom environment.
Bad odours and badly maintained urinals can affect employee morale and give a poor impression of your business to any visitors you may have. Instead of that unpleasant drain smell, we can make sure that your urinals and toilets smell clean and fresh at all times, replacing and maintaining the products used when necessary.

Air freshening
No-one likes to be greeted with bad odours when they walk into a washroom, it gives off the impression that the washroom is unclean and uncared for, which gives a poor impression of your business.
Our range of air freshening products and services, range from eliminating smells to providing a constant dispersal of fragrance so you can be certain that anyone who visits your washroom is greeted with a clean and fresh fragrance, creating a much more positive view of your washroom and your business.
Hand Care
Making sure your hands are cleaned and dried properly, is the most effective way of stopping the spread of infections such as colds and flu around your workplace. In fact, washing your hands can reduce the number of bacteria found on your hands by up to 80%.
A simple bar of soap harbours germs as bacteria thrive in warm moist conditions, which is what a bar of soap provides. At Complete we provide you with safe and hygienic hand washing and drying products which are essential when trying to combat the spread of germs.